What Makes Our Queens Unique…

In summer of 2022 we had a surprise visit From Chef Melissa King & the National Geographic/Mazda crew filming their : “Tasting Wild” series near our apiary …
The Olympic Wilderness Apiary has a cameo appearance in the first half of their “Coastline” segment.   It is beautifully filmed giving a stunning visual to just how isolated our Wilderness Apiary is, and it is this remote isolation that has played a significant role  in the successful sustainability of our Wild-Survivor -Breeding Program over the past three decades.
While other breeders claim “Survivor Bee” status in their advertising, we believe that the Breeding Stock we developed and refine here since 1997 gives us the right to claim “Original Survivor” status!
a picture really is worth a thousand words.
Tidepooling along the Pacific Coast | National Geographic

Stock Selection Criteria

We graft from untreated colonies whose queens have been overwintered for a minimum of one season, and have passed our strict standards for these following traits:
Hygienic Behavior

Minimum of 95% removal of freeze-killed brood in 24 hours

This trait will reduce or eliminate Chalkbrood; AFB; and varroa mite levels w/o the use of chemical treatments

Varroa Mite Resistance

VSH trait is determined by Alcohol Wash Assay during spring brood build-up and fall peak mite infestation.

Grooming Behavior is determined by Alcohol Wash Assay during the winter broodless period

Nosema Tolerance

Demonstrate vigor with high exposure: UNTREATED.

Our selection process is verified by in-house microscopic testing and USDA Laboratory reports.

Hoarding Behavior

Excellent Honey producers

Heavy pollen collectors


No need for gloves

Swarming Behavior

Not prone to swarm

High Degree of Longevity & Solid Brood Patterns